United Kingdom
Global Day of Repentance Turns Our Focus to The United Kingdom
Opening Scriptures 2Chron 7 v 13 -14 and Ps 22 v 27-28
Focus on the United Kingdom - Thurs 20th/Fri 21st August Global Day of Repentance
Dear Spiritual Prayer Warriors for our Lord Jesus Christ
We at Call2Come International Ministries based here in the UK (www.call2come.org) are delighted to partner with the NDR (USA) and call for this Global Day of Repentance for the United Kingdom. We appreciate Rev Jeff Daly and the NDR very much and align ourselves with the NDR's vision and mandate.
Many intercessors and believers will be joining with us to petition the Father in the Courts of Heaven to have mercy, forgive its sins and decree His favour towards this ancient group of Kingdoms known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain. We as a part of Jesus’ glorious Bride here in this land are so conscious of our own unworthiness and unrighteousness and we come in unity with others around the world to acknowledge our own failings, and that we come because of His grace alone. Because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross so many years ago now in Israel, and because of His shed blood we can come to Him in confidence. Oh the blood, the blood, the precious blood of Christ. His blood will never lose its power!
On the 20th and 21st of this month, August, many hundreds of people from many nations will join us. Members of our Call2Come family live in over 60 different nations around the world and will be interceding with us in their own time zone, along with intercessors linked in to the NDR Network. We will all spend some time during the 24 hours from sunrise on Aug 20th to sunrise on Aug 21st, praying and repenting which can be done alone with the Lord or with others or your family members, praying and interceeding for the UK, and for however long that you can. Those from other nations will repent on their nation's behalf and those of us from the UK will repent for our own nation’s sins and its unfaithfulness.
Why the 20th of August?
August 20th is a significant day in UK history. Earlier that month in 1940 Great Britain was under certain threat of invasion. The Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, had called the whole nation to prayer, and every industrial factory, shop, school and office closed, trains and buses stopped, and churches were packed with believers and people of uncertain faith, pleading with God for His mercy and His protection. God heard, and a small group of fighter pilots of the Royal Air Force defeated the mighty Luftwaffe over the skies of England. It was a decisive victory and became known as The Battle of Britain, On the 20th August 1940 the Prime Minister gave this now famous speech of gratitude and thanksgiving. One line of his speech has become etched in our history..... "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few".
The UK today is facing even greater battles on so many fronts, but battles that are as threatening to our future and our destiny as that in 1940. We are facing battles on so many fronts... moral, political, societal fronts. The battle is in areas of traditional family Christian norms and values regarding marriage, gender, sexual relationships, human rights, truth, integrity, religious freedom and many more.....not in the least our loss of national identity and sovereignty and our God- given sense of national purpose and destiny.
Prayer Points:
Thanksgiving for our God-given heritage
The United Kingdom has had an amazing history, and many of its people have been leaders in so many fields of activity such as exploration, discovery, invention, engineering, art, drama, literature and science. And of course in humanitarian concerns and in being pioneers in the development of social institutions and services. Many of these means of societal development were birthed out of the conviction of Christian faith.
Let us thank God for all He has blessed this nation with over the many years since its birth
Repentance for the loss of our Christian Faith as a nation
Our nation was birthed from its Christian Faith.This faith was God given and the loss of it, as the foundation of our nation, will only result in our demise and the loss of our God- given destiny.
Many of the Churches found around the world today were birthed in the UK and many of our world's missionary movements came out from the UK. We have a great Christian heritage but we can no longer be called a Christian nation.
Even our Christian denominations have made unholy alliances with demonic forces in their past. Many of our historic Church buildings were designed and built by Free masons or with their money. Many of them were built on Leylines or Pagan sites. Canterbury Cathedral was built on the site of the temple of Isis. St Paul's Cathedral, London, was built on the site of a temple to Diana. It was designed by Christopher Wren who himself was a Freemason. St Paul’s even allows the Freemasons to hold their services there. Religious syncretism is rife in our traditional denomination. A compromise has been established and an unholy alliance has to be repented for and annulled. We have many false altars or mixed altars that need to be cleansed.
Even in some of our evangelical and charismatic churches the believers’ love for the Lord has grown dim. Many have "lost their first love.”
We believe that through repentance and confession of the UK's sins, our secularisation and compromise and our loss of intimate love for the Lord, we can rediscover His eternal purpose for us and so become truly a sheep nation rather than a goat nation.
Let us repent and pray for HIs Holy Spirit to convict us and then rekindle the love we once knew.
Our entering of the EU
Another serious unholy alliance was made as a nation when we as the UK entered the European Union and began to lose our sovereignty. Although we have come out of the EU and regained that sovereignty, when we entered we actually entered an ungodly marriage which God had not ordained. Some would say therefore that the £40 billion plus Divorce settlement has no legal authority since the marriage was unlawful. Be that as it may, despite the separation now, our exit, there are still soul ties that need to be broken as in any relationship, and these soul ties need to be severed through repentance and confession.
Let us repent of this action. Let us repent that we didn't seek His permission to enter the European Union. Let us ask for His forgiveness.
Let us decree and pronounce the break in the spirit realm of all unholy soul ties, and all sense of authority over us spiritually, mentally or emotionally, declaring them gone and all authority broken over this nation.
Our Declaration
We thank you, Father, for all that You have accomplished in our lives because of Your Son, Jesus. We thank You, Jesus, for all that You have accomplished on and through the cross for us. We thank you for sending Your Holy and Life-Giving Spirit to abide in us, and allowing Your Kingdom’s manifestation from within us. We accept that we are your Body here on the earth and that You are our head, seated in Heavenly places far above all rule and authority. We thank You for giving us that same authority. We thank You for all that you have said and done for Britain over these last years. Thank you for giving such grace and being so merciful towards us. We confess and ask for Your forgiveness for allowing other spiritual powers to invade our land, bringing idolatry and occultism to deceive the people. We are truly sorry that we, your Body, did not rise up and resist those spiritual beings from making their abode here in this land. We did not do as You had asked us to do and take authority over those gods and goddesses; neither did we resist other principalities and powers from making their strongholds in our nations. For this we are truly sorry.
We have recognised the manipulation and control that these spiritual powers have had on us, in binding us to the godless European Union. Now we as Your Body today, are asking You to release these nations of the British Isles from the grip of those spiritual powers that have used the EU to bind us to its political system, its control, and its deceptions.
Today we break the chains that have bound us and we loose ourselves from the grip of its ungodly soul ties. We declare there was no covenant “marriage” that was ordained by You between us and the European Union therefore we declare any settlements of this ungodly relationship be rendered null and void.
We loose ourselves from all laws, treaties and agreements that were not born of Your Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, and ask that you forgive us and set us free from any binding words, written statements and laws made under this controlling and manipulating union. Forgive us for our ignorance of not seeing where it was taking us, as it sought to control us beyond our understanding.
Today, we loose ourselves and declare that we are free from any spiritual control from the European Union. We now covenant these British Isles to You and ask that we now become one as You have desired, that we be a United Kingdom, free from any other nation’s power.
Thank you, Father, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Amen. Amen.
The unfair treatment of Israel by the EU
Let us now repent of our involvement and responsibility, by default, of the way the EU treated Israel in criticising her and voting unfairly against her.
We, as a nation, have been complicit in decisions made against Israel by the EU by our association. For this we must repent and ask forgiveness.
The unfair treatment of the Jews living in the UK throughout our history
However, we also are ashamed of the way Jews living in the UK have been persecuted at times throughout our history. Since 1070 when Jewish communities were first established in our land, a series of massacres or expulsions have taken place.
During the Crusades there were two anti Jewish pogroms, one in London in 1189 and in York in 1190. The Jews were not readmitted into the UK until 1655 by Oliver Cromwell in the reign of Henry 8th.
Let us repent of these past national sins and let us also now seek for forgiveness for any anti-semitism found anywhere in our UK society, and in any of its institutions today.
The Re-establishment of God's authority in the land and in the Church as the only true authority
Within every physical nation there is the spiritual nation...the Church, the Ecclesia, the Bride. Paul says this community of believers are 'a Holy Nation'. The health of any physical nation is measured by its spiritual health, and its spiritual health is influenced by the health of the 'spiritual holy nation' within it.
God's authority must be established over the physical nation and He does so, in and through the influence and guidance of the 'spiritual nation'.
If the Church/Bride is not speaking into the Government, or the Government is not listening, then its spiritual health is effected. There is little or no alignment with the purposes and plans of Heaven for that nation. God’s will is not done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Let us acknowledge and repent for the unhealthiness of the spiritual life of our nation, its lack of seeking God’s counsel and following His ways.
Let us acknowledge and repent for the truth that the voice of the Bride, the spiritual nation, has for far too long been silent in the UK. We thank God for those who have entered the 'mountain' of politics and Government, and for those Christian ministries dedicated to influencing opinion and government policies. They are seeking to raise their voice and to establish righteousness and justice in our land. But generally, the Church has been far too quiet and taken the easy and compromising road. We repent of this.
Let us pray that God will raise up “mighty men and women of valour” in these spheres of influence who are fearless, yet full of wisdom and are people of 'God's own heart'.
We here and now give back the authority of governance to the Lord and establish Him as the final authority in our land.
Our Confession
Loving Lord Jesus, we want to say how much we appreciate Your love and care for Your Church Body here in this great nation of ours.
We thank You, Lord, for all that You have done over the past in bringing us, Your Body, to know You and to love all that You are to us.
We come before you, our Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, to ask You to forgive us for our complacency towards Your will and Your way.
We confess as part of Your body here on earth, our lack of commitment to living the new life You gave to us through Your Holy and life-giving Spirit.
We have failed in allowing You to have Your way in the manifestation of the gifts that You have given us.
We have failed You in not being the voice You would have us to be, into the church and our nation, and for this we are truly sorry.
We have allowed other voices to speak into the church, allowing false teaching and false prophecies to mislead Your Church Body.
We have not fought to keep out deception and we have allowed worldliness to creep in and to weaken Your Church, and for this too, we are truly sorry.
We thank You for Your forgiving heart towards us, and we now accept Your forgiveness. Thank You for giving us so much grace and being merciful towards us and the nation.
Now, as we stand before You with the whole host of heaven at our side, we rebuke every false wind of doctrine, cancelling every false prophecy, false teaching and worldliness from within Your Church Body.
We are committed to hold up and apply the standard of Your holiness as the ‘plumb line’ in our lives, church and nation. Please rejuvenate this, Your intended immune system within Your Body, so an effective stand can be taken against any further attempts to weaken it.
We gladly accept the beauty of Your Holiness in all that You are.
We now choose to respond to the desire that You requested of Your Father in John 17 that we would be ONE with You and all that You are ONE with.
We now speak LIFE into Your Spirit- filled Body.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Population: about 66 million people live in the United Kingdom (2020)
Capital: London with 9 million inhabitants
Name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy, Democracy
Language: English
Religion: mainly Christians 60%
Currency: 1 British Pound (GBP) = 100 penny