Republic of South Africa
July 21, 2021
A Global Time of Repentance: Republic of South Africa
July 21st, 2021 – National Day of Repentance called by God
This past week we have seen a devastation in South Africa, like we have never seen before… Everyone is shocked, and people are in a panic and desperate need for Food, Baby Formula, Fuel, and Finances. One Province in South Africa is in a state of emergency, and two more Provinces have experienced major damage in certain areas - as over 160 shopping malls & bank branches were completely destroyed, and all that is left is the frames of what once was a shopping mall.
Many towns have no place to buy food, and no way to get finances even to buy anything with cash anywhere. People are queuing for kilometers hoping they will be able to buy something at the shopping malls that are still standing. But the food trucks that deliver the goods to the stores are behind in a week’s delivery, as everything has come to a standstill, and even warehouses have been destroyed.
But we can’t ask now where did this come from all of a sudden… This has been brewing like a pot that has been on the fire for awhile, and which has now reached a new strength, and thus reached a boiling point, that can’t be ignored anymore.
As we’ve reported in April this year when we called for a Global Day of Repentance for South Africa on their Freedom Day celebrations, to which only a few have responded to the call, South Africa has major issues (like all other nations today) where many people of South Africa are still not yet free, especially the poor and many of the minority groups. They are all being intimidated and “used” for “political gain” by those in so-called “power” through a “spirit of corruption and self-gain”, and thus the poor and minority groups are not fully given the opportunities to become educated or to find work in order to provide for their families, causing high levels of unemployment, causing high levels of crime with regular violence outbreaks, especially in the major cities of South Africa.
This is in addition to the underlying discrimination which is still very much active between the different cultures. There is a general “hatred and bitterness” shared between the cultures, still coming from the apartheid regime. This discrimination hatred and bitterness is now being fueled by corruption and major crime syndicates with regular (almost daily) farm attacks. In these farm attacks, farmers and their families are robbed and often brutally killed, causing even more hate and bitterness. Many are talking amongst the different races of “South Africa being on the brink of civil war…”
In the midst of this acute pain throughout the nation, there have been many hearts crying to God these past years, months, weeks and even days. Many victims of this hatred and bitterness are demanding justice and revenge.
We believe these cries of hearts crying out to God have reached His ears. The Spirit of The Lord has now chosen to speak through one of His children, and called South Africa to a National Day of Repentance – this coming Wednesday, July 21st, 2021..!!
But He also spoke with a stern warning from Zephaniah 1– that if we do not obey this call, and come and humble ourselves before Him, and turn from our wicked ways, things will start to get worse in our beloved Republic of South Africa.
But you may ask - How is this connected to you and me?
We are therefore calling on everyone, whether you are from South Africa or not, to stand with us, in repentance, intercession and prayer, and cry out before God for His Mercy first for South Africa, but also for your own Nation and country…!!!
For God commanded everyone to take a White Ribbon, or a White Flag, or just a White Cloth – and write on it: GOD OF MERCY together with Ps 51 and/or Ps 67:1…and to place this where you can be seen and reminded of His Mercy !!
For we are each called to spread the Gospel, going to people in all nations, teaching them how to know Him and live for Him through repentance and remission of sins (Luke 24: 47). We are called to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). We are called to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)
Thus, being a part of a growing repentance remnant of nearly 1,000 prayer warriors in 47 nations, you and I are also uniquely positioned to intercede with our prayers for the peace of Christ and the Gospel to overtake the violence and corruption in national governments, in this case, South Africa.
And as we confess our own sins, and repent, we are more filled with the Holy Spirit and His Word, thereby increasing His righteousness in us. “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16)
We believe the Lord wants us in this Month of July, 2021 to focus on the corruption in national governments and high powers. And all this violence and corruption within South Africa is a classic demonstration of oppression as opposed to the Liberty in Christ that is available to all nations, thanks to His Blood, His Word, and His full authority.
Please join us, and share this opportunity with others in your prayer networks. Using prayer points, and repentance suggestions, we have scheduled a Time of Repentance focusing on the Republic of South Africa during a 24-hour window beginning at 6 PM Eastern time USA, Tuesday July 20th through 6 PM Wednesday, July 21st which coincides with Midnight to Midnight on July 21st in South Africa.
God willing, there will be a two hour Zoom call focusing on oppression and corruption in ourselves and in our governments at 3 PM Central Africa time (which is 8am Eastern Time) on Wednesday July 21st
Zoom Call Login
Topic: South Africa: The Cry of Repentance
Time: Jul 21, 2021 15:00 to 17:00 Johannesburg SA Time
Which is 8am Eastern Time, or 5am Pacific Time.
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The Republic of South Africa was once a nation that strongly believed in their God, and many battles were fought and won by True Faith in their God. But this faith has been lost over the years, and many have fallen away and are questioning why they should believe. Only a small number of believers are still fighting the battle in prayer and intercession day and night for their beloved country, which is what is keeping this nation from further break down. But they need your support, and to come beside them and pray and intercede and repent with them, and show them that their prayers are being heard in the heavenlies, and that there are still Christians that truly care and want to join hands with them in agreement that the Republic of South Africa can once again be that Nation that is devoted and in submission to their First Love – Jesus Christ..!!
For we know that the Word is clear about that, that when a nation starts to drift away from God, and His Righteousness is forsaken, that that nation cannot stand as before. For what you hate, you become. Therefore, we need a spirit of Forgiveness and Repentance to flow into the Republic of South Africa, and for the people that claim that they are Christian, to humble themselves before their God again, repent, and return to their First Love.
Therefore, Please pray that:
1. Peace would be restored to the Republic of South Africa
2. We and the peoples of South Africa would repent for seeking our own glory, especially when we have continued in the sins of our ancestors.
3. Jesus would be glorified among every culture group in South Africa, and that they would spread His riches around the world as evangelists and disciple-makers.
4. Jesus would be seen as having abolished in His flesh all enmity between peoples, having become our peace, having broken down the middle wall of separation, creating in Himself one new man, from the two, thus making peace, reconciling all people to God in one body through the cross. (Ephesians 2: 14-16).
5. This Truth, that Jesus abolished all enmity, awaken and convict every soul in South Africa to repent, removing all division, bitterness, and hatred between white and black, and that discrimination will be totally abolished, through the Love of Christ Jesus, one for the other instead.
6. The Truths that He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth (Acts 17:26) and that we are all made in His image (Genesis 1: 26), add additional strength to abolish discrimination totally.
7. The spirit of self-gain and corruption will be destroyed from the head of the country down to the man in the street, through the Love of Jesus each one caring for his neighbor, and that the Republic of South Africa will become a country of spiritually mature people.
8. All forms of sexual perversion, child and sex trafficking, woman & child abuse, abortions, and the killing of all innocents will stop. That God will protect our women and children. That His Love will move mightily on the streets of each major city where people are living on the streets, and are dependent on drugs, that they will be delivered from drug abuse.
9. That Forgiveness, Repentance and Reconciliation will manifest between the different cultures, and that Bitterness and Hate will be removed from everyone’s hearts, and Idolatry will be broken down between the cultures, and that the Republic of South Africa shall love and Serve the Lord our God only.
10. That the National Day of Repentance in South Africa on July 21,2021 will open up so many hearts to call upon the Living God in sincere repentance that He will hear from heaven, forgive sin and heal His beloved South Africa, and that this God Solution from His Word (2 Chronicles 7:14) will be example to all nations today to do likewise.