Global Day of Repentance - February 8, 2025
On Saturday, February 8, 2025, A Global Day of Repentance is planned to Pray and Repent for all Nations at War across the Globe !!
JOIN US: On Saturday, February 8, 2025 - for a Global Time of Repentance - via Zoom - @ 12noon EST / 9am PST
Please Register to receive the Zoom Details

National & Global Day of Repentance - America - January 20, 2025
On Monday January 20, 2025, A National Day of Repentance is planned just prior to the 47th Presidential Inauguration !!
There have been days of national prayer each year, but no other call for National Repentance has been issued from Congress or the White House since 1974!!
Three thousand years ago, the LORD revealed to King Solomon the process by which He would heal a land of wickedness where His people resided. It's obviously Still True Today - 2 Chronicles 7:13,14: "When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
God willing, for 47 days, starting December 5th, 2024 and ending on January 20, 2025, the day of the Presidential Inauguration, NDR will share each day a simple devotional, naming a national sin. Following the example of Nehemiah, Ezra and Daniel, please join us, repenting yourself, for your family, for this USA.
Join us each day in your own prayer closet, or in any group, confessing and repenting for that national sin.
THEN: On January 20, 2025 - Join us for a National / Global Time of Repentance for the USA prior to the 47th Presidential Inauguration - via Zoom - @ 9am Eastern time.
Please Register to receive the Zoom Details

National & Global Day of Repentance - America - November 3rd, 2024
On Sunday November 3rd, 2024, A National Day of Repentance is planned at the Grassroots !!
Maybe this is something that you can plan in your area - it could be even in your own prayer closet - and that is that we would take time to Really Follow God's Word - which is found in several places - of which the most classic scripture is 2 Chronicles 7 13-14 !!
As here we learn that the Lord Himself wants us all to return back to Him alone !! He said this originally to Solomon at the finishing of the First temple 3,000 years ago - and He says it to you and me today !!
In the very first place He says that "If I withhold the rain or if I send locusts or if I send pestilence on any land then IF MY People who are called by My Name will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and then TURN from their Wicked Ways...." then the Lord says... "THEN I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land !"
And our forefathers in the United States knew this so well !! They did "Election Sermons" !!
Starting way back in 1631 is the first recorded one and there was a wonderful connection between God's word and the Shepherds in the local churches interfacing with legislators themselves. Many of which were Christian ! In fact the very first Speaker of the House of representatives in the United States 1789 was a pastor - Pastor Meulenberg the number one very first speaker !
There have been days of national prayer each year, but no other call for National Repentance has been issued from Congress or the White House since 1974!!
Thus at the grassroots in America, it's again time for:
America to Kneel and Repent on November 3rd, 2024!!
AND: Join us for a Global Time of Repentance for the USA prior to the Presidential Elections - via Zoom - on November 3rd, 2024 @ 11am Pacific time / 2pm Eastern time.
Please Register to receive the Zoom Details

Global Day of Repentance - ISRAEL - 7th of October - 1 Year Anniversary
National Day of Repentance declares seven days of personal prayer, fasting, and repentance beginning Monday, September 30 to refocus our minds and hearts on His Chosen People and His Chosen Land, Israel.
To close off the 7 days Fasting and Prayer on October 7th, we will end with a Zoom meeting @ 7pm Jerusalem time (which is 9am PDT) with a 2-hour Global Zoom Prayer time.
Join us, by Registering today - let us know that you are standing with us in Prayer, Fasting & a time of Personal & Global REPENTANCE, during the 7 days leading up to October 7th !
AND: Join us for a Global Time of Repentance for Israel - via Zoom - on October 7th, 2024 @ 7pm Jerusalem time / 9am Pacific time.
Please Register to receive the Zoom Details

Global Day of Repentance - ISRAEL - 9th of Av
We appeal to everyone that can and is willing to pray across the globe and to stand with Israel during their time of Fasting and Prayer, also being on High Alert,
After threats from Iran to launch another attack on Israel on the 9th of Av. We believe that Prayers of Repentance can and WILL make a difference in all these threats and attacks, as we trust that God will continue to Shine His Light into every Dark situation, and bring out all the hidden motives, and all corruption will be revealed, and those abusing their power will be removed.
We Believe that God will hear our Prayers, and when His People Prays He will Answer our Prayers and HEAL the LAND (2 Chron 7:13-14)!!!
Please join us via Zoom, at 7pm Jerusalem time (9am Pacific Time) - as we intercede for Israel on the beginning of the 9th of Av - for God’s Presence and Healing to come to Israel which all have been longing for..!!
Please Register for the Zoom details to be sent to you in time..

Global Day of Repentance - KENYA
We appeal to everyone that can and is willing to pray across the globe and to stand with Kenya during their time of their Protests and Riots in their Capital City - Nairobi
We believe that Prayers of Repentance can and WILL make a difference yet again, as we trust that God will continue to Shine His Light into every Dark situation, and bring out all the hidden motives, and all corruption will be revealed, and those abusing their power will be removed.
We Believe that God will hear our Prayers, and when His People Prays He will Answer our Prayers and HEAL the LAND (2 Chron 7:13-14)!!!
Please join us via Zoom, at 7pm East Africa Time (9am Pacific Time) - as we intercede for Kenya - for God’s Presence and Healing to come to the Nation of Kenya which all have been longing for..!!
Please Register for the Zoom details to be sent to you.

Global Day of Repentance - South Africa - Elections
We appeal to everyone that can and is willing to pray across the globe and to stand with South Africa during their time of their Netional Elections.
We believe that Prayers of Repentance can and WILL make a difference yet again, as we trust that God will continue to Shine His Light into every Dark situation, and bring out all the hidden motives, and all corruption will be revealed, and those abusing their power will be removed.
We Believe that South Africa has found FAVOUR in God’s Eyes (Est 5:2) and that He will hear our Prayers, and when His People Prays He will Answer our Prayers and HEAL our LAND (2 Chron 7:13-14)!!!
Please join us via Zoom, at 5pm Central Africa Time - as we intercede for South Africa’s Elections to bring God’s change to the Nation which we’ve all been longing for, for quite some time.
Please Register for the Zoom details to be sent to you.

National / Global Day of Repentance - April 30th, 2024
Why April 30th ?
There have been days of national prayer each year, but no other call for National Repentance has been issued from Congress or the White House since 1974!!
Thus at the grassroots in America, it's again time for:
And every April 30th thereafter until the Lord returns.

America - Wake-up Call, April 8th, 2024
America Wake-Up Call - During the Eclipse: April 8th, 2024

National Day of Repentance
As we take time during this Feast of Dedication to continue to cleanse, to confess any residue of our old sins, replacing those old sin patterns with the washing by the living Holy Spirit by His Word, we each grow in Christ, perfecting holiness in the reverential fear of God (2 Corinthians 7:1).
We also are being cleansed, sanctified, by Christ Himself. He will present His church to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, holy and without blemish (Ephesians 5:27). We are The United States of America was created by God's miracles, in His perfect timing, moving through greatly outnumbered, but passionate Holy Spirit-inspired individuals, seeking the Liberty of Christ (Luke 4:18 " He has sent Me... to bring liberty to the captives") instead of the tyranny of kings.
Knowing they needed His Hand, the Continental Congress held eight days of "humiliation, fasting and prayer" during the seven-year Revolutionary War. After His miracles brought about victory in the War, issues arose between States under the weak "Articles of Confederation." Delegates gathered again at Philadelphia in 1787 to attempt to resolve the divisions. At the beginning of the Convention George Washington, hero of the Revolutionary War, upon being voted head of the Convention, said: " Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair. The event is in the hand of God." When divisions arose, prayers to God each morning were performed; divisions began to be healed. At the conclusion of the Convention in 1787, where by God's Providence a way was found to connect the States into a stronger, liberty-based, union, one lady asked Benjamin Franklin what the delegates had created. Franklin said: " A republic, madam, if you can keep it."
When George Washington was inaugurated on April 30, 1789, his classic inaugural address cited the Providence of God and His bestowing on us as a nation the "sacred fire of liberty."
Now, 235 years later, a strong case can be made that we've not kept it; we've lost God's Liberty, essentially by leaving God out of our schools and national dialogue and laws. We have disregarded the "hand of God" which George Washington spoke about. A broken border, crime in the streets, catastrophic debt, foreign wars, uneducated, sexually confused children, corrupt politicians, legalized sexual perversions, the ongoing killing of innocents, idols instead of the living God---all point to the imminent failure of this earlier God-based republic. God's judgment is looming.

Global Day of Repentance - Feast of Dedication - Israel
As we take time during this Feast of Dedication to continue to cleanse, to confess any residue of our old sins, replacing those old sin patterns with the washing by the living Holy Spirit by His Word, we each grow in Christ, perfecting holiness in the reverential fear of God (2 Corinthians 7:1).
We also are being cleansed, sanctified, by Christ Himself. He will present His church to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, holy and without blemish ( Ephesians 5:27). We are cleansing as His Bride; He is the soon-coming Bridegroom. We need to be wise, to have "oil" --the Holy Spirit--- in our lamps before the Bridegroom comes. (Matthew 25:1-13).
As part of the Feast of Dedication we will also have 2 Global Times of Repentance & Prayer ZOOM calls - on the 7th as well as the 15th of December, 2023 both at 12noon EST.
On such call(s) we will be inviting believers in Yeshua in every nation, including Israel, to take times, several minutes in private, with the help of the Teacher, the Holy Spirit, to confess old sin patterns. We will also take time in private to confess the sins of our nations, including Israelis who will be praying for Israel.
As sins of a nation are confessed, we will declare a renewed Covenant between that nation and Almighty God, to follow His eternal Word. There is no judgment in Christ. (John 8:15). All authority has been given to the Risen Christ in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18).
THUS: Please Join us on December 7th & December 15th @ 12noon EST during these Zoom calls.
For the Zoom details, please register HERE.

Global Day of Repentance - Day of Atonement
We learn in the book of Leviticus, chapter 23, that the Lord spoke to Moses and gave him seven holy convocations, "feasts of the Lord." These were to be " a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings. "
The Day of Atonement, on the tenth day of the seventh month in the Jewish calendar, now known as Yom Kippur, was established by the Lord "to afflict your souls." On that holy day no work was to be done, an offering by fire to the Lord was to be made, and any person who was not afflicted in his or her soul on that day was cut off from His people. It was a day of solemn atonement before God to cover one's sins that year.
Today, and for the last two thousand years, eternal atonement for our sins was made by the perfect Lamb: Yeshua the Messiah, Jesus the Christ. Nonetheless Yom Kippur is still a holy day, a feast of the Lord, and a perfect day for prayer, fasting and repentance among Jesus's believers.
Even with the perfect, eternal blood of the Lamb on the cross providing atonement for our sins, repentance is required to enter His Kingdom and to cleanse from old sin patterns, to be ready as His Bride. He is the soon-coming Bridegroom.

Cleansing of the Bride
All born-again children of Yahweh comprise the Bride. We will be presented to Yeshua at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Here He will drink again with us – the cup of wine of which He mentioned (Matt 26:29). Joy returns as we are united in this fashion with Him forever.

All born-again children of Yahweh comprise the Bride. We will be presented to Yeshua at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Here He will drink again with us – the cup of wine of which He mentioned (Matt 26:29). Joy returns as we are united in this fashion with Him forever.

Global Day of Repentance - Republic of South Africa
We believe the Lord wants us in this Month of February, 2023 to focus on the corruption in national governments and high powers. And all the violence and corruption within South Africa is a classic demonstration of oppression as opposed to the Liberty in Christ that is available to all nations, thanks to His Blood, His Word, and His full authority.
The Spirit of The Lord has now chosen to speak through one of His children, and called South Africa to a National Day of Repentance – this coming Saturday, February 4th, 2023..!!
Please join us via Zoom, at 6pm Central Africa Time - as we intercede for South Africa in the midst of their current crises
Zoom details are on the Republic of South Africa page

on February 1st, 2023, we will be Repenting and Praying for the last of the 13 Colonies: GEORGIA

Global Prayer for LIFE
Declarations for LIFE:
We declare that God’s Gift of Life is now being revealed to all mankind through His Holy Spirit and through us, His Ambassadors
We declare that His Blood washes away our sins and that He gives us His Gift of repentance to remove any guilt or residue of any old sin pattern so that we can pursue His path of purity
We declare that His Gift of Life will free each of us now and eternally into His Kingdom, and each of us can share this Truth with many, including our children and grandchildren, giving His LOVE to any troubled heart
On the day of the March for Life in Washington, DC, this coming Friday, January 20, it's time for a Global Prayer for Life. Please join us: between 10am to 12noon EST for a 2-hour Zoom call - as we will be praying for all LIFE to be Protected.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 8770 8041
Passcode: 046611

Join us Each Month, on the 1st of the Month, where we will be Praying and Repenting for 1 of the 13 Colonies to be restored to its Godly Roots.
There will also be a Zoom Call every month @ 12noon EST.
On the 1st of January, 2023 we will be focusing on Pennsylvania

Join us Each Month, on the 1st of the Month, where we will be Praying and Repenting for 1 of the 13 Colonies to be restored to its Godly Roots.
There will also be a Zoom Call every month @ 12noon EST.
On the 1st of December we will be focusing on New Hampshire

Refreshing the Mayflower Compact
Proclamation of His people, called by His Name, Declaring a National Day of Prayer, Repentance, and Refreshing of the Mayflower Compact, in these United States of America, November 11, 2022
WHEREAS, on November 11, 1620 pilgrims on the ship Mayflower, seeking, for the Glory of God, to worship God freely, and to plant a colony to advance the Christian faith, entered into the Mayflower Compact; and
WHEREAS, the text of the Mayflower Compact reads as follows:
In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.:
Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith, and the honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another; covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, 1620.
For more information, please visit our website: www.americakneels.com.

Join us Each Month, on the 1st of the Month, where we will be Praying and Repenting for 1 of the 13 Colonies to be restored to its Godly Roots.
There will also be a Zoom Call every month @ 12noon EST.
On the 1st of November we will be focusing on New York

Join us Each Month, on the 1st of the Month, where we will be Praying and Repenting for 1 of the 13 Colonies to be restored to its Godly Roots.
There will also be a Zoom Call every month @ 12noon EST.
On the 1st of October we will be focusing on New Jersey

24-hours Prayer and Repentance for USA
It's time once again to use the spiritual solution of Humbling ourselves, and Pray and Seek God’s Face and TURN from our wicked ways - through Repentance.
To that end, National Day of Repentance, a nonprofit Christian ministry in the United States, focused on encouraging repentance throughout all nations, calls for "His people called by His name" in the United States of America, to join, in their own homes or churches, as One Body during a twenty four hour period from midnight to midnight on Sunday September 25th, humbly Praying, Fasting as He may direct, and Repenting from personal and national sins.

72-hours Prayer and Repentance
It's time once again to use the spiritual solution of Humbling ourselves, and Pray and Seek God’s Face and TURN from our wicked ways - through Repentance.
To that end, National Day of Repentance, a nonprofit Christian ministry in the United States, focused on encouraging repentance throughout all nations, calls for "His people called by His name" wherever located, to join, in their own homes or churches, as One Body during a seventy two hour period from 7 PM Thursday September 22 through 7 PM Sunday September 25, humbly Praying, Fasting as He may direct, and Repenting from personal and national sins.

Join us Each Month, on the 1st of the Month, where we will be Praying and Repenting for 1 of the 13 Colonies to be restored to its Godly Roots.
There will also be a Zoom Call every month @ 12noon EST.
On the 1st of September we will be focusing on South Carolina

Join us Each Month, on the 1st of the Month, where we will be Praying and Repenting for 1 of the 13 Colonies to be restored to its Godly Roots.
There will also be a Zoom Call every month @ 12noon EST.
On the 1st of August we will be focusing on North Carolina

Fast and Pray for Jerusalem
We are asking intercessors worldwide to fast at least one meal on Tuesday, July 12th, and to take at least 12 minutes at 12 noon to praise the Lord, and to proclaim division upon the Lord’s enemies and a thwarting of their plans during the Biden visit to Israel, Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), and Saudi Arabia on July 13th – 16th.

Join us for 13 days of repentance for our 13 colonies:
July 1, 2022 We will be Praying & Repenting for Delaware’s Godly Roots to be restored.
Please Visit our Delaware Page for more information, or our 13-Colonies Page for information on which Colony we will be focusing on each month

Join us for 13 days of repentance for our 13 colonies:
June 1, 2022 We will be Praying & Repenting for Rhode Island’s Godly Roots to be restored.
Please Visit our Rhode Island Page for more information, or our 13-Colonies Page for information on which Colony we will be focusing on each month

Join us for 13 days of repentance for our 13 colonies:
May 1, 2022 We will be Praying & Repenting for Connecticut’s Godly Roots to be restored.
Please Visit our Connecticut Page for more information, or our 13-Colonies Page for information on which Colony we will be focusing on each month