March 6th - 8th, 2021
A Global Time of Repentance: Myanmar
March 6th-8th, 2021
A civil war is going on today in the nation of Myanmar, earlier known as Burma. A military coup has removed the President, taking her to an unknown site. During extensive nation-wide protests, citizens are being shot in the streets by the military. At least eighteen protesters died in the streets on February 28. Protestors are demanding that the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi be returned to power after the military ousted the democratically-elected administration that was set to begin its new term on February 1. Suu Kyi faces several charges, an apparent effort by the military to legitimize the leader's detainment and bar her from running in the election that the junta has promised to hold in a year.
Isn’t this just one more story in a troubled time in a far away nation? How is this connected to you and me?
We are each called to spread the Gospel, going to people in all nations, teaching them how to know Him and live for Him through repentance and remission of sins (Luke 24: 47). We are called to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). We are called to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)
As part of a growing repentance remnant of nearly 1,000 prayer warriors in 47 nations, you and I are also uniquely positioned to intercede with our prayers for the peace of Christ and the Gospel to overtake the violence and corruption in national governments, in this case, Myanmar.
When we confess our own sins, and repent prior to those prayers, we are more filled with the Holy Spirit and His Word, thereby increasing His righteousness in us. “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16)
We believe the Lord wants us in this 2021 to focus on the corruption in national governments. This violence in Myanmar is a classic demonstration of tyranny and oppression as opposed to the Liberty in Christ that is available to all nations, thanks to His Blood, His Word, and His full authority.
Please join us, and share this opportunity with others in your prayer networks. Using prayer points, and repentance suggestions, we have scheduled a Time of Repentance focusing on Myanmar during a 72 hour window beginning at 6 PM Eastern time USA, Saturday March 6 through 6 PM Monday, March 8.
God willing, there will be a two hour Zoom call focusing on oppression and corruption in ourselves and in our governments at 12 PM Eastern time USA Saturday March 6. [please email for Zoom password instructions to pastorjeff@repentday.com]
For many of us outside Asia, Myanmar (formerly Burma) is famous for poverty and the corruption of its military government. But that's not what many of its citizens focus on. They keep alive the memory of a time when their ancestors ruled the surrounding region and received treasures from around the globe. Bound by the religion of Buddhism and nature spirits, many seek wealth and prior national status. Far too few know the Risen Christ.
“Mrauk-U was once the centre for one of Myanmar’s most powerful kingdoms…[It] grew in influence throughout central Myanmar and the Indian subcontinent, becoming a centre of wealth and commerce. The kings of the dynasty even hired Japanese samurai as bodyguards to quell the threat of assassination.
"[Between 1433 and 1533 AD] 'the city became a free port that traded with the Middle East, Asia, Holland, Portugal and Spain...A Dutchman who visited Mrauk-U in the 16th century described it as one of the richest cities in Asia, and compared it with Amsterdam and London in size and prosperity.' At one time the kingdom created a naval fleet of 10,000 war boats that dominated the Bay of Bengal and the Gulf of Martaban."
- Paul Hattaway, Peoples Of The Buddhist World, pgs. 28,42.
You could say that many people want to "Make Myanmar Great Again" by returning to their past national pride, paganism, financial wealth, and glory. But what does the Word of God say about such attempts?
As one example, the Lord allowed Jeroboam II to retake old Israelite territory because of the Lord’s promise to care for His disobedient people. But the king's heart and motivation were not right. ( 2 Kings 14: 23-28). Nationalism and paganism grieve the Lord.
Jesus is also bluntly honest that wealth brings with it spiritual danger. Desiring to be rich for our own fame and status is foolish at best, and dishonoring to Christ at worst. (Luke 18:22-27)
However, God loves to use the weak to bless the strong, the poor to bless the rich. He loves to take those who were known for darkness and make them ones who now brightly shine His light. Would it not be wonderful if He made the peoples of Myanmar--now low in the world's esteem--rich in grace, blessing the globe with the gospel and Biblical truth?
Please pray that:
1. Peace would be restored to Myanmar, opening that nation to the Gospel in the process.
2. We and the peoples of Myanmar would repent for seeking our own glory, especially when we have continued in the sins of our ancestors.
3. The current state of humiliation in Myanmar would lead to greater openness to the gospel than would have been possible when they were strong and rich.
4. Jesus would be glorified among every people group in that country, and that they would spread His riches around the world as evangelists and disciple-makers.
Protests over military coup
in Myanmar become violent