China: Focus of this next Global Day of Repentance on August 14, 2020
We have a High Priest Who forever makes intercession for us. Hebrews 8:25 says: “ Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.”
This certainly applies to nations such as China where Christian persecution today is pervasive under a cruel tyrannical government.
The blood of martyrs there still cries out.
You and I can be part of the process to bring Liberty to the captives in China, supporting the ongoing intercession of our High Priest.
The purpose of this fifth Global Day of Repentance is to claim the overcoming, absolute force of Revelation 12:11—— that with the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies satan is defeated, and the tyranny of China’s government shall be ended, setting the captives free.
On this fifth Global Day of Repentance on August 14, 2020, as you and I take some time alone with the Lord confessing any sins and repenting, the Lord will be pleased with the further cleansing of His Bride.
And our prayers for all those in China will be that much stronger. James 4:17 says: “ The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” As we remove old sin strongholds and repent, replacing sin patterns with His Word as our path, more Holy Spirit fills our vessels. It’s His Righteousness that gives power to our prayers.
Missionaries first came to China in the 7th century. But there has always been extensive opposition to the Gospel. August 14th honors the blood of countless martyrs who died on Chinese soil. Starting in November 1899 a Boxer uprising or Boxer Rebellion took place against foreign influence , including trade, politics, technology and religion. By August, 1900 over 230 foreigners, tens of thousands of Chinese Christians and other innocent bystanders were killed in the chaos. During the uprising 48 Catholic missionaries, 18,000 Catholics along with 182 Protestant missionaries and 500 Chinese Christians were killed. The Boxer Rebellion finally crumbled when 20,000 foreign troops occupied Beijing on August 14, 1900.
Now it is time for a different “foreign occupation” of China. We can use the mighty whole armor of God, including “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints” (Ephesians 6:18). As you and I, and another 850 or so participants take time to repent, and as fervent prayers go up on this given day, August 14, 2020, for Liberty in China, we shall be supporting our High Priest and the Holy Spirit. We will be bearing one another’s burdens, fulfilling the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2). And we can pray, waiting in humility and faith, letting the Holy Spirit direct us, as He makes intercession for us. (Romans 8: 26).
Prayer Points
After your own time of confession of sin and repentance, allow the Holy Spirit to direct your prayers for the situation today in China. The Lord wants to bless you with the great joy of receiving His insight and direction for intercessory prayer.
It may include one or more of these items:
—-Pray for the underground church that it would actually increase in the face of persecution
—-Pray for repentance in the current Chinese government leadership to allow God’s Word to guide them and that nation’s policies
—-Pray for the rule of law to govern China’s relationships with other nations
—-Pray for Hong Kong to be free from control to set its own future
—-Pray that China will change course and bless Israel, not come against it.
—-Pray for an end to the Corona virus pandemic which was birthed in China
—-Pray that many in China would hear and receive God’s Truth by the power of the Holy Spirit, then disseminate this Truth to everyone, changing the entire destiny of that nation to God’s plan for His China.
Additional note:
Please consider taking one day, ahead of our set date of next Friday, August 14th, to prepare your own heart to enter into this HUGE assignment, by taking time to fast and pray. The Christian Church in China is thriving, but their numbers are relatively few. Pray for their protection as we gaze upon the 1.43 billion others who now live in that land and who also need to meet our Savior by coming to repentance. Thank you.
Population: 1.393 billion (2018)
Life expectancy: 76.47 years (2017)
Fertility rate: 1.68 births per woman
Population growth rate: 0.5% annual change (2018)
GNI per capita: 18,170 PPP dollars (2018)
Official language: Mandarin