New Hampshire
Established in 1679
December 1, 2022
Godly Roots in New Hampshire
When Jonathan Edwards preached his well known sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" in 1741, New England had been settled by Englishmen for over a hundred twenty years. The area was conscious of its historical roots, and Cotton Mather, the famous Puritan preacher, had produced a monumental history of New England, Magnalia Christi Americana (1702). Mather’s work was intended as a religious history of the colonies, but it reports on every aspect of early New England. For the early New Englanders, religious and social history were inseparable. It was assumed since the landing of the Pilgrims in 1620 that the settlers were (or should be) Christians, and that God would bless the building up of a godly commonwealth in the new land.
Needless to say, the churches of New England were no longer persecuted sects: they had become established churches. The religious groups that settled New England left the old country because of persecution, or because they saw the Church of England as a poor model of biblical faith. They carved out a place for themselves in the New World, with much hardship and discipline. In time the New Englanders realized that they were no longer the righteous remnant running from an apostate English church establishment. They were now an establishment.
In New Hampshire, before the Revolution in 1776, religion was dominated by Congregationalism, the faith of the colony’s Puritan founders. But some of the first settlers that came to New Hampshire were separatists and the first church was built in 1633. Virtually every new Hampshire town contained at least one organized Congregationalist parish, its minister supported by public tax monies. Present in far fewer numbers were Quakers, Anglicans, and Presbyterians. The Society of Friends - as Quakers called themselves - organized a modest network of meetings in the Piscataqua and Connecticut Valleys. Anglicans - members of the Church of England - were concentrated in Portsmouth and other centers of royal power, while the Presbyterians were concentrated in the Scots-Irish settlements in the Londonderry areas.
Today, the freedom to practice one's religious beliefs, and the increase of immigrants from other countries, has resulted in New Hampshire being one of the least "religious" States in the United States.
It's time to pray for its Godly roots to be restored.
New Hampshire
Lake and Church
Please Refer below for prayer points for December 1st, 2022 for New Hampshire.
New Hampshire
Established in 1679
New Hampshire, constituent state of the United States of America. One of the 13 original U.S. states, it is located in New England at the extreme northeastern corner of the country. It is bounded to the north by the Canadian province of Quebec, to the east by Maine and a 16-mile (25-km) stretch of the Atlantic Ocean, to the south by Massachusetts, and to the west by Vermont. The capital is Concord, located in the south-central part of the state.
The English colony
The New Hampshire region was included in a series of grants made by the English crown to Capt. John Mason and others during the 1620s. A fishing and trading settlement was established in 1623, and in 1629 the name New Hampshire, after the English county of Hampshire, was applied to a grant for a region between the Merrimack and Piscataqua rivers. The towns of Dover, Portsmouth, Exeter, and Hampton were the main settlements.
From 1641 to 1679 the region was administered by the colonial government of Massachusetts. Following territorial and religious disputes between Massachusetts and Mason’s heirs, New Hampshire became a separate royal province in 1679. Bitter boundary feuds with Massachusetts and New York over the part of the New Hampshire grant that became Vermont continued almost until the American Revolution. Benning Wentworth held the post of colonial governor from 1741 to 1767, the longest tenure of any royal governor in any of the colonies.
Europeans arrived early 17th century
Europeans arrived in the early 17th century, with the English establishing some of the earliest non-indigenous settlements. The Province of New Hampshire was established in 1629, named after the English county of Hampshire. Following mounting tensions between the British colonies and the crown during the 1760s, New Hampshire saw one of the earliest overt acts of rebellion, with the seizing of Fort William and Mary from the British in 1774. In January 1776, it became the first of the British North American colonies to establish an independent government and state constitution; six months later, it signed the United States Declaration of Independence and contributed troops, ships, and supplies in the war against Britain. In June 1788, it was the ninth state to ratify the U.S. Constitution, bringing that document into effect.
Through the mid-19th century, New Hampshire was an active center of abolitionism, and fielded close to 32,000 men for the Union during the U.S. Civil War. After the war, the state saw rapid industrialization and population growth, becoming a center of textile manufacturing, shoemaking, and papermaking; the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company in Manchester was at one time the largest cotton textile plant in the world. The Merrimack and Connecticut rivers were lined with industrial mills, most of which employed workers from Canada and Europe; French Canadians formed the most significant influx of immigrants, and today roughly a quarter of all New Hampshire residents claim French American ancestry, second only to Maine.
Ethnic and religious origins
In the colonial period the majority of the people were of English origin, but a significant influx of Scotch-Irish, who were largely Presbyterian in faith, began in 1719. They settled in the south-central and southwestern portions of New Hampshire and named their principal towns Derry, Londonderry, Antrim, and Dublin, for places they had left behind in Ireland.
In the past New Hampshire had a system of town churches in which any officially recognized denomination could be designated at the annual town meeting to receive public tax support. Prior to the American Revolution, five denominations were officially recognized: Congregational, Baptist, Presbyterian, Quaker (Society of Friends), and Church of England. The system was discarded in 1819 by the Toleration Act passed by the legislature. Since then all churches have been privately supported, and any denomination may function freely.
Between 1845 and 1920, immigrants came to New Hampshire from all parts of Europe. The first Roman Catholic congregation was established in 1823, the first Roman Catholic school in 1859, and a statewide diocese in 1884. The first Jewish congregation was organized in 1892 and the first Greek Orthodox church in 1905. The New Hampshire Council of Churches, organized in 1945, has developed broad ecumenical policies to include many faiths.
Revolution and Statehood
A pre- American Revolution event occurred in New Hampshire in December 1774, when some 400 men from Portsmouth, Rye, and New Castle raided Fort William and Mary and removed 16 pieces of small cannon and 98 barrels of gunpowder. They also hauled down the fort’s huge British flag. Several injuries but no deaths occurred in the engagement. Many consider the attack to be the first overt act of the Revolution. The arms and powder were distributed through several New Hampshire towns for potential use in the looming struggle against Great Britain.
During the Revolutionary War, New Hampshire was one of the 13 colonies that revolted against British rule and in January 1776, was the first to set up an independent government and establish its own constitution. The state raised three regiments for the Continental Army, which fought in the Battles of Bunker Hill, Bennington, the Saratoga Campaign, and the Battle of Rhode Island. John Paul Jones’ ship the Sloop-of-war USS Ranger and the frigate USS Raleigh were built in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, along with other naval ships for the Continental Navy and privateers to hunt down British merchant shipping. New Hampshire’s John Langdon was the first acting vice-president of the United States and was President of the Senate when Washington was elected as the first president.
The citizens of New Hampshire were overwhelmingly in sympathy with the aims of the revolutionary leaders. The state furnished two brigadier generals to the Continental Army, three regiments of regular troops, and hundreds of short-term militiamen. New Hampshire formed its own state government in January 1776, and in June 1776 it instructed its delegates attending the Continental Congress in Philadelphia to vote for independence. New Hampshire’s vote was the ninth and decisive vote in ratifying the Constitution of the United States in 1788.
It’s Time..!!
God is in charge of all nations
If His people, called by His name, will humble themselves and pray and seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways, He will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
If we renounce sins and turn towards His purity He may relent from a judgment we deserve. He will not forsake His inheritance.
Godly roots were planted many generations ago in what is now the United States, watered by blood, prayers, fasting and repentance. Hundreds of “Days of Humiliation” prompted the Lord to continue to pour out His blessings to plant and send forth the Liberty Jesus Christ gave all humans.
But the nation has significantly turned from God. We do not “remember His power” Psalm 78:42. We have behaved as if we can govern out of our own strength, forgetting that “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.” Psalm 127:1.
In God's perfect timing, the Liberty given by Jesus Christ through His Blood, and confirmed in His Word, was planted in the 13 colonies then ruled by Great Britain. Men and women filled with His Holy Spirit discerned a unique call on their lives to bring forth that Liberty as a God-given gift for all men everywhere.
Having experienced God’s Liberty through Christ and His Holy Spirit these passionate founders could no longer stand the ongoing tyranny of a monarch. Patrick Henry, bold for Christ in public, said it best: “Give me Liberty or give me death.”
John Adams’ boldness for Christ came from his love of the Bible and his understanding of spiritual warfare. In 1777, a year after the Declaration of Independence, a gathering of the founders was held again in Philadelphia at great risk. Philadelphia was about to be invaded; Washington’s troops were losing battles; the far superior British troops seemed invincible. One local delegate asked John Adams: “Sir, how can we possibly defeat the British given their skill and their size?” Adams replied
“We will defeat them----- if we fear God and repent of our sins.”
As a witness to His impact in their lives, and as a way to open the heavens to bring about the miracles they needed, many honored Jesus publicly. “We have no King but Jesus” was a common statement.
Thirteen days of repentance are now proposed whereby today's citizens in those thirteen colonies on a given day can discover the blessings God planted in their colony, confess how far current laws and pracntices deviate from those Godly roots, and then repent, turning personally and as a State-wide community for those sins, calling on His Forgiveness and Mercy.
Prayer intercessors from other States and Nations will be invited to join on each day of repentance.
As to each colony the question is : What did God plant?
And then, how have we deviated from those Godly roots?
And will you then confess any sin personally, for your family, for your State?
Finally, all will be encouraged humbly to repent, to replace worldly, wicked ways with His path, by His Word, to His purity.
God willing, the One Who planted Liberty in each colony, and Who has a purpose for the citizens in that current State, will hear from heaven, forgive sin, and heal the land.
Restoring Godly Roots in our 13 Colonies
Godly roots were planted in the original 13 colonies in the USA. A project to restore them using God's solution in the Bible begins in the first colony, Virginia, on February 1.
On February 1, 2022 a day of repentance will take place in Virginia. Individuals in Virginia, and throughout the USA, and in 47 nations, will take time, in prayer, fasting and humble repentance that day, confessing our personal and national sins, and acknowledging our firm dependence upon the Living God.
God gives His solution to heal a land in 2 Chronicles 7:14: " if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. "
Twelve additional days of repentance, focusing on each colony, will then take place on the first of each month, ending with the last established colony, Georgia, on February 1, 2023.
The next day of repentance will focus on New Hampshire on December 1, 2022.
Resources to hold a repentance service in a church or small group are available on the website: www.globalrepent.com
Building on a national and International Day of Repentance held on December 1, 2021 which focused on abortion, joined by 70 Christian ministries, the project seeks to continue this momentum for national repentance. According to Christian historians, This Godly solution to heal a land has been used over 800 times in our history; it's time to use it again.
A two hour zoom call will be held on December 1 @ 12noon EST. Please email us at the email below for information. Members of Congress, and local politicians have been invited to participate. But in keeping with scripture, the main emphasis is on individual repentance, one on One, with Him that day.
Please note: As we continue our "march through the colonies," focusing on acts of repentance for each one throughout this year and into the next, we welcome your own thoughts and research for each one, identifying needs for repentance in each colony. Thank you for contacting us at the address below.
Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance
(707) 350-0659
Prayer Points
Prayer Points for December 1, 2022 Global Day of Repentance focusing on New Hampshire
Pray that a spiritual awakening would take place in New Hampshire State, thanks to the prayers of repentance and intercession by saints in New Hampshire and globally on December 1, 2022.
Pray that the original deep reverence, healthy fear of the Living God would be restored to the former colony and now the State of New Hampshire
Pray that the original dependence upon Him would be restored also
Pray that the flame of LIBERTY from tyranny, and freedom of conscience and worship would be restored
Pray that the Bible as final authority in law and community life would be restored
Pray that Godly leaders elected in the coming election would speak boldly for Christ and put in place Biblical values.
Pray that divisions in the Body of Christ would be healed — Eph 4:3 — as the obvious wickedness of the enemy drives us to a unity we have never before experienced.
Pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit millions of eyes would see, millions of ears would hear, millions of hearts would open in New Hampshire, and in the entire USA, and in every nation to the need for personal and national repentance, to turn from our wicked ways, honoring Christ alone in our nations.
Pray that the Lord would relent from the judgment each nation deserves as He sees us humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn — sincerely repent — from our wicked ways.
Cruelties and Killings that Muted / Blocked
The Godly Roots
From the viewpoint of the Native Americans the following eventually took place:
Innocent bloodshed upon the land
Stealing of land
Breaking of covenants with the tribes
Removing the ancient landmarks
Doing it all in the Name of God !
Political agendas to control, build and possess the wealth of the land while keeping it from others
Establishing free masonry in the government and economic systems
Sacrificing babies to the spirit of death
Establishing idols in the land and worshiping them
Allowing foreign gods, false religions into our land
Selfishness, humanism, individualism
One on One---a basic approach to repentance
Spend time alone with the Lord. He loves you. He created you. He knew you in your mother's womb and even at the beginning of His creation.
Thanks to the work of His Son, Jesus/ Yeshua, all the sins of mankind have been covered by Jesus' blood and His victory.
Now the invitation is to come into His Kingdom through repentance, changing your thinking, dying to your old ways, and believing in Jesus, the risen Christ, as the Lord of your life.
His Holy Spirit then will be in you, to give you a new life purpose and eternal life with Him.
Now that you're in His Kingdom, He calls each of us to cleanse, to purify, to get ready as His Bride for His soon return as our Bridegroom. There's no guilt; no condemnation; He loves you and wants all of us to be Overcomers of our old sin patterns, to be able to have the privilege " to sit beside Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down beside My Father on His throne." (Revelation 3:19-21).
Steps to repent, one on One:
Come in to the Kingdom through repentance---Matthew 4:17
Now that you're in the Kingdom, you have the Holy Spirit
Invite the Risen Christ to dine with you Revelation 3:20
Praise Him, honor the King of kings
Ask Him which old sin pattern He suggests you look at
Receive His Wisdom and consider confessing that sin
Confess the sin
Receive His forgiveness
Consider removing that sin pattern forever through your free will decision to repent, turning to Him instead
Replace that sin pattern with one of His Words as your new direction
Experience His Joy which will now never leave you as your new strength--and witness to others; you're bearing Holy Spirit fruit worthy of His gift of repentance!
*** A M E N ***

Below is the Recording of our Zoom Call on Thursday, December 1st, 2022… @ 12noon -2pm EST