Global Day of Repentance Turns Our Focus to CANADA
Opening Scriptures 2Chron 7 v 13 -14 and Ps 22 v 27-28
Focus on Canada - Wednesday 9th of February - Global Day of Repentance
On Wednesday February 9th, 2020, God Willing we will be recalling Canada’s Godly Roots, supporting the freedom convoy truckers, and declaring prayers that our Lord Jesus Christ will cause this whole chapter in Canada's history to turn to His good.
Romans 8:28: " And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
Below follows a Prophetic word by Barry Wunsch from Canada, back on Sept.30, 2021, speaking of national repentance for Canada:
"America & Canada, Wake Up! DJT, Now Is the Time!"
Barry Wunsch, Red Deer, Alberta Prophetic word for Canada received on September 30, 2021:
Canada, the Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail!
I was given an open vision where I saw the hordes of Hell being released across Canada. I watched as leaders in Ottawa did all they could to unleash every evil and demonic plan, strategy and resource against Canada and her people. There were demons dressed in white lab coats that opened up gates, doors and cages, letting in the vilest, most evil flood across Canada. The leaders were trying to release these things as fast as they could to immobilize the nation. So many were blinded by what was happening.
I watched as these demonic entities ran across the nation chasing people with needles. As they ran, the streets became empty. People were hiding away to ride it out. Business after business, restaurants and venues—all once bustling with life, now were in a dismal, depressed state. Most were just scraping by. Cash registers were being counted over and over in disbelief. Ends were too far apart to make them meet. The sky was heavy, overcast and dark.
I saw what looked like Canada military services in uniform about to be deployed into action against their own people. As I looked closer, something did not look right. They were infiltrated by some members who wore two uniforms. I watched one leader who had some top buttons open (by accident or intention I do not know), revealing a CCP uniform under the Canadian one. This was not good.
Not only were there breaches for those in CCP uniforms to enter, but many were placed there with intention.
However, there were patriotic leaders on the sidelines well aware of what was going on, and they were taking intel and planning actions behind the scenes to deal with them. I saw these patriot military leaders with special encrypted devices to work, plan and collaborate together for what is coming. I saw ties to hidden political leaders, here and abroad (USA), strategizing together for the great battle ahead (and it will be a greater battle than we ever imagined).
I watched as, in a day, our Parliament shifted, as men and women finally took a stand for truth, righteousness and justice. I saw the Holy Spirit blowing across Canada. It was fierce. This was a storm far above and beyond anything we had ever seen here. Things were burning and on fire. People's lives were on fire. There would be no one escaping this one. They were forced out onto the streets, to stand up against the evil that was being unleashed.
I saw teams, like medics, helping the hurting and the wounded. They were from the Church, bringing salvation, healing and deliverance to the hurting and broken. I saw this movement growing from the Church to the streets.
As they stood and fought for freedom, unity flowed and ground was taken every day. I saw the masses gathering around the Parliament building in Ottawa, as well as other provincial buildings. As they worshiped and prayed, shared and rallied together, momentum grew. Numbers grew from a few hundred here and there to hundreds of thousands.
I was then taken into the House of Commons where a speech was given to stand and move. This MP (member of Parliament) crossed the floor into a new party, a new start and a new hope, as a voice of truth for Canada. As this member stood and moved, they were followed by over half the house members.
It was a day of repentance and a new start. Canada, the True North, strong and free! They finally were free from all control and evil leaders and agendas. The house was going back to the people. Righteous leaders were being placed in a new party. The momentum continued to grow under great and fierce opposition from the enemy, but the gates of Hell would not prevail.
I saw freedom fighters and patriots releasing people from camps. They went door to door to bring people hope and freedom. A nation that had been in severe lockdown was being brought out into liberty and freedom. As the deceived learned of the truth and saw the truth that was hidden from them, they were appalled and mobilized into action.
I watched as JT (Justin Trudeau) and his cabinet were suddenly removed—extracted. It was time to face the consequences of their actions. There was a national press conference. It was not led by the usual press secretary, but by military leaders. This was a new day. This was a new dawn for Canada. As Holy Spirit blew on Canada, the snow and ice began to melt away and new spring growth began to grow, fuller and healthier than ever before.
Word of the Lord for Canada:
"Canada, My Canada, stay strong. Do not relent. Hold your ground. Do not back down. Wake up those who are sleeping.
"Wake up! I have called you for this hour! Stand up! Stand up! Stand up! Gather together as one! Stand with Me in unity! Your lives depend on it! Blow the trumpet! Sound the alarm! Wake up, Canada! Wake up!
"I am empowering you right here, right now, to go forth! I am aligning My people across this land to stand with Me and for Me! I am burning things out of you and your lives that don't belong!
"Canada, arise! Canada, take your place! The nations are counting on you! I am releasing resources beyond measure for your assignments! I am aligning with you now as you release and relinquish your lives unto Me! Supernatural provision! Protection! Strategy! Power! Signs, wonders and miracles!
"Be bold! Be strong! Take your call! Take your assignment! Do not shrink back! Canada, this land that I love, you will take healing to the nations. Canada, you shall be the True North, strong and free!
ZOOM Call scheduled for Noon EST
Contact Pastor Jeff Daly via e-mail pastorjeff@repentday.com for all the Zoom details, or if you register with us, you will also receive all the Zoom information and more via our regular news letters…
Declarations for Canada:
God’s Spirit of LIFE will prevail in its citizens and its laws
God’s Spirit of TRUTH will prevail in its citizens and its laws
The Kingdom of God will be preached and all will press into it (Luke 16:16)
The Living God will be feared; idolatry will be exposed and rejected
God’s Plan for Canada will go forward as a Light to other States and Nations
In Jesus’ Name we pray !!
Population: about 37.59 million people live in Canada (2019)
Capital: Toronto with almost 3 million inhabitants
Government: Is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy, founded on the rule of law and respect for rights and freedoms. The government acts in the name of the Crown but derives its authority from the Canadian people, Democracy
Language: English
Religion: mainly Christians 67.3% (bout two 3rds of the population)
Currency: 1 Canadian $ = US $.79cent