South Africa
May 20th, 2024
A Global Time of Repentance:
South Africa - Elections
May 20th, 2024 – National /Global Day of Repentance called by God
The Republic of South Africa was once a nation that strongly believed in their God, and many battles were fought and won by True Faith in their God. But this faith has been lost over the years, and many have fallen away and are questioning why they should believe. Only a small number of believers are still fighting the battle in prayer and intercession day and night for their beloved country, which is what is keeping this nation from further break down. But they need your support, and to come beside them and pray and intercede and repent with them, and show them that their prayers are being heard in the heavenlies, and that there are still Christians that truly care and want to join hands with them in agreement that the Republic of South Africa can once again be that Nation that is devoted and in submission to their First Love – Jesus Christ..!!
For we know that the Word is clear about that, that when a nation starts to drift away from God, and His Righteousness is forsaken, that that nation cannot stand as before. For what you hate, you become. Therefore, we need a spirit of Forgiveness and Repentance to flow into the Republic of South Africa, and for the people that claim that they are Christian, to humble themselves before their God again, repent, and return to their First Love.
Please join us via Zoom - on May 20th, 2024 @ 5pm Central Africa / South Africa Time (which is 8am Pacific, 10am Central & 11am Eastern time) to pray for the Elections, and for God to Intervene, and for the Nation of South Africa to Humble themselves, and seek His Face in the midst of all the Division and Confusion!!
Please register before the time - in order to Receive the Zoom Details in time.
South Africa, this is a word from the Lord in a time such as this. Let us listen and obey the Lord.
One night after my midnight session in prayer, I heard the voice of my Father, saying softly, ‘Hello my child’ I smiled and while saying ‘speak Father, your servant is listening’ I took my pen and my book and then He said ‘My child, this message is of the essence, it’s very serious and its very, very, important that you write every word, go and deliver this to my people South Africa.’ The Lord said ‘you will be my hand and my ear on the earth and you will write everything I command you to say Beverley.’ As in the days of Jeremiah the religious ones will stand up against you, those who carry My name on their lips but do not carry Me in their hearts, they will accuse you and say you are false. Beverley therefore, gird up your loins, and arise from this hospital bed and speak unto my people South Africa, all that I command you - but be not dismayed at their faces, lest I confound you before them. They shall fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you, for I am with you – said the Lord – to protect you and deliver you. For behold I have made you this day a defense city, an iron pillar and brazen walls against the whole land, against the kings of Judah – in this case South Africa – against the princes thereof, against the priests thereof, and against the people of the land.’
South Africa. The Lord has spoken.
I, Beverley van Rensburg, bind myself in absolute obedience, by the knowledge of God our Father in Heaven, and deliver this very important message to you South Africa by the instructions of the Holy Spirit. I am passing you this message, I will add no thing, and I will leave nothing out. I will only speak as the Holy Spirit instructed me. And what He told me and therefore South Africa, I am standing in absolute humble submission to obey these instructions given to me to deliver to you.
This message is a bit long, but every single word is of the essence - in a time such as this. And therefore, South Africa, hear the Word of the Lord.
Isaiah 1: 10 – Hear the Word of the Lord, rulers of South Africa!
You rulers of South Africa another Sodom, listen to the law and instruction of our God. You people of SA, another Gomorrah, I have called My people by My name. Many of My people called My name, but do not what I ask of them, instead they go about calling every other name except My name. I will expose their wicked dealings and show the true condition of their hearts, for they call their ancestors, praying to idols, they seek the faces of political leaders, they pray to gods that has no power. I asked them to humble themselves and seek My face. They ask me for favor, but their actions has no good flavor before My face. They ask Me to deliver them but they praise the very leaders that is destroying them. The very ones that are in the game of ‘name and fame’ and care not for the nation’s people, but who are seeking after wealth for their own selfish desires. They speak and ask Me to save them, but instead on the election days as they go to the polls, they seek not My face, but sing and dance for the ones they choose. They ask Me to help them, but they turn not from their wicked ways! They have their hands stained with blood, because they listen to the wrong decisions made by their leaders and they agree with it. They agree to abortion! Killing innocent lives, ancestral worship, praying and calling to dead gods, partaking in cultural traditions, eating and drinking the things I approve NOT and call it tradition. It’s an abomination! You encourage same sex marriages and want Me to bless your mess! It’s an abomination! I said a man must marry ONE wife, you marry more and you say it’s polygamy. Its and abomination! You’re killing and murdering innocent lives and care not of the blood that is calling out to Me. You rob and steal all you can from My people, leaving My widows and orphans in poverty, and call them ‘vulnerable’. Is it not my prophet Isaiah that tells you in chapter 1: 17 to defend my orphans, do good unto my widows. Know you not it is written ‘if My widows and orphans call out to Me, I will vindicate them.’ They are mine – not yours to abuse and call it ‘hell’.
Isaiah 1: 4 ‘a sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil doers, children that are corruptors, they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger.’ They are gone a way backward. You keep saying those very same destructive leaders ‘another chance’. They are blinded by the lies and fearful of their own future.
Isaiah 1:7 – your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire, your land - strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate. As overthrown by strangers, SA you have become what My prophet Isaiah says in Chapter 1: 21. How has the faithful city become a harlot? It was full of judgment, righteousness lodged in it, but now…murderous. Your leaders you have chosen has made you a reproach to the nation around you, shaking hands with every enemy – as much as they can. They went fearless against my very chosen people Israel, and are still going all out against my chosen ones. Know you not that Israel was not chosen by man? But by the God of Heaven. They are My chosen! Know you not that who touches Israel I will touch, who curses Israel I will surely curse! But fearless you go up against My people. Hear My Word this day leaders of South Africa! I gave David strength and power to kill the champion, Philistine Goliath! So I will do with you in your strengthless, boastful and prideful wickedness. Hear my Word this day! It is I – the Lord God of Israel – speaking to you. I have sent many of My servants to give you messages from Me. My very own servants in South Africa but still you say – who is mightier than me? I am in leadership and no-one will bring me down! Or take my place! I the Lord your God, it is I who will go before you and bring you down, and it is I who will make an end to this wickedness.
My prophet Isaiah told you, your new moon and traditional appointed feasts, my soul hates. They are trouble unto me. I am weary of bearing them. And when you spread forth your hands, I will hide Mine eyes from you! Yes, when you make many prayers I will not hear. For your hands are full of blood.
Wash yourselves, make yourself clean. Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Stop doing evil! You say I am a God of love, but you do not have My love. Therefore, I invite you to come, repent of your wicked ways, and I will give you everlasting love and life! Come therefore and choose Me. My children have called and cried for many years now, and I am going to answer in their favor – says the Lord.
South Africa, let us listen and choose God. Hear the word of the Lord.
I am sending this message to you, my children! Listen and obey my instructions!
This is an urgent message to My church.
My children Israel, has called upon Me when they were kept in slavery by Pharoah, just like I have sent Moses My servant to them, I am sending you My servant with this message. Therefore, nation of South Africa, hear the word of the Lord. My child, this message I am sending you is to let you know that I have heard your cries. You asked me for a leader! You have not asked for a leader/ruler of your choice but you have fasted and prayed and you asked ‘please give us a leader, one that You choose for us. One after Your own heart. Too long we have chosen and made our selfish decisions. No longer do we want our own way, but Yours alone. Ps 33:12 says ‘blessed, prosperous and favored by God is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen as His inheritance.’ I have prepared for you a ruler after My own heart. I need you to trust Me and obey Me and see how you will stand in victory. I need you to listen and do exactly what I say to you because I know your hearts. I will give you the desires of your hearts.
First there are some of My children who still don’t trust Me with everything. They look at the situation that they’re faced with and say in their hearts ‘we will have to follow the world and their plans, or else we will be left without help.’ As for you My son and daughter, I have called you to feed My people. But you’re still busy robbing them. You ask ‘how do I rob them?’ You rob them with your man-made guilty feelings and manipulative money-messages. You say if you want this ‘word’ to come to pass in your life, you must sow a seed. It’s YOUR word, not My word. My word blesses and heals, my word delivers, sets free and gives peace. Your word has no power; thus, you rob My people from their money. Feed them! Do not rob them. I have given you more than enough! Repent and turn away from your evil ways! For I slumber not nor do I sleep. I am watching your every move and step. I asked you to lead My sheep but it’s gone worse. You not only sleep with My sheep, but when they fall pregnant you secretively give them money and threaten them to have abortions. Know you not the blood of the innocent is calling out to Me? Say I not to you – you’re in this world but not from this world? Why doeth thou the same as the world? My child I am a God that reveals secrets so I can heal you! Repent of your wrong doings and turn away from it!
I ask you not to walk in counsel with the wicked, yet you take secretive bribes and follow their advice.
I asked you not to stand in the path of the sinners, but you have made my house of prayer and worship and turned it into a business. And you say the Lord said I must multiply and be prosperous. You do what you do because it’s no longer a house of prayer, but a business. You speak and say ‘I’ve opened more churches; I have lots of followers. You do it not for My glory, but for your own selfish desires. It’s wicked and it looks no different from the world. The condition of My body is in a pitiful state. They are so blinded by pride, stubbornness and self-love, that even they can no longer discern the truth.
They are in a prison, held in captivity by their own desires, dreams and wills. You speak of My other servants and say ‘you cannot unite with them for they are not of your standard.’ They won’t be of your standard because I called them to stand out in Me, and so should you. You say you can’t sit with them. No, you can’t. Because I called them to sit in high places. And that’s the place I am calling you to as well. To higher ground. I call you to come up higher to me. Therefore, repent and turn away from your wickedness. The sinning, the idols, your religious ways, your own teachings, your own word, and turn back to Me.
I can heal you and show you my loving kindness. Unless you become or come to Me like a child without your religious knowledge, I cannot work with you. Your knowledge makes you self-righteous and this religious knowledge – makes you blind. Because you are blind, you are trapped in pride, stubbornness, self-love and self-righteousness. My house is trapped in pride and stubbornness, idolizing others and you wonder why I do not speak and reveal? Repent for My judgment is coming to My house and it’s coming soon!
Now is the time to lay all your religious knowledge down. Come and repent and come clean before Me. Don’t be fooled. Be wise and ask for a clean heart.
How long are you going to try and labour at that which I do not ask of you? Most labour to get their names heard, you labour not for My sake and for My glory, but to enlarge your own ministries. As much as I am interested in your ministries, I am more interested in your character. My people, I will heal you, I will restore you and test you, not so that you can be enlarged in your ministry but so that I can enlarge Myself in you. For I seek a true body. Disobedience and unfaithfulness will keep you out in the desert! Woe to you if you keep others in the desert due to your false teachings! Disobedience and unfaithfulness! Lead my children in spirit and in truth – not shame and lies.
I ask you to unite – instead animosity, hatred, jealousy and strife is the order of the day. And you go about your church business as if all is well. No My child, the world is divided. How can you live with division? In order to win any battle, you need each other. FIX YOUR HEARTS! And find My peace in your hearts. You say you love Me – whom you never saw, but hate your brother and sister whom you see in this world. FIX YOUR HEARTS! I am a Father of love. Not conditional love that the world gives, but unconditional love. The world has no love. Be not like them. The reason why I reveal your wrongdoings, is to heal you. Repent my children! Turn not completely away from Me. For you will be destroyed by the enemy. I speak to you because I can’t stand sin. Because sin ends in death. Get My house clean from every spot and wrinkle. I am speaking to you because I love you. My love is unending but you need to end this sin in order for you to have this everlasting life. I am coming and I am coming for a ready and prepared bride. A spotless, wrinkle free bride. I ain’t looking for a date! I want a true relationship! I ain’t looking for your religious programmes! I want a true relationship! Be all I called you to be.
Prepare now, so you can be ready for the unexpected evil that the enemy is planning against you. When these things happen, that you have My hand of covering, protection and provision upon you. You have never seen anything like that which is yet to come. Return back to Me with all your heart while you have time. NOW is the accepted time. Harden not your hearts. He who has an ear, let him hear.
South Africa I heard your cries, and I am going to make an end to it. I need you in this time not to doubt me, and allow not fear to overtake you. I need you to unite as ONE great army. You know well that an army divided is guaranteed to fall.
Therefore, I need you to stand united for I am going to give you the land to possess. I am going to give you the ruler which you asked Me to choose for you because you trusted Me. I need you to listen with undivided attention and follow every step of My instructions. I am giving you to possess the land and bring you into victory. You will only fail if you don’t obey, but if you do – victory is yours! Throughout My Word all battles of impossibilities became possible whenever my instructions was followed. Need I remind you when the walls of Jericho came down? Gideon followed My instructions and won the battle. Debra followed My instructions and won the battle. Mordecai and Esther followed My instructions and saved the Jewish people from the wicked hands of Hamen. David slaughtered Goliath. Every battle was won by My instructions! Therefore, follow My instructions and you too will win your battle in South Africa. For you have a Hamen spirit that is busy orchestrating much evil against you. You have enemies that is coming up against you. They all look strong – only because they are united. I need you now more than ever to understand the seriousness of your battle. It is of the essence that you stand UNITED. It is important that you join together for your own good and for the nation of South Africa. Hear and obey My instructions.
Christian political leaders – LISTEN! I have granted you grace to form your own political parties for a season and I will give you the reason.
South Africa has been going from bad to worse. My people are suffering. The people are in fear and panic just like in the days of the Jews in SUSA, I prepared Esther through Mordecai to become queen. I have given Esther favor with everyone, even before the very king. And you know the victory the Jews had because of Esther’s obedience according to what Mordecai had spoken to Esther, and Esther took action. Faith filled action. Your faith is needed. Your faith needs action in this time South Africa! But it must be done in UNITY. For your Hamen is planning to kill not only the people of South Africa – but also the church. You must understand the severity of the evil plot of the Hamens in your nation. Listen my children, I have saved you for a time such as this. You have no time to compromise. You have no time to give the enemy any chance whatsoever, because he planned one thing and one thing only – and it’s to kill you. He came to rob, kill and destroy. You have no more time to waste. You have no more time to choose who you want to be part of the army.
I see as you go about your plans, you are moving with caution. You want to do the good thing for your nation. A good decision is not always the best decision. Sometimes you just need to take the RIGHT decision. Mordecai and Esther, Daniel, Shadrek, Mishack and Abbedneggo and others all had to make decisions. It was not a good decision, neither an easy decision or so it looked, but it was the RIGHT decision. All of their lives were spared by My mighty Hand. They believed, and I came through for them. Now listen – DO ALL I am telling you in order to win this fight. As I the Lord your God goes before you.
My children have seeked My face in My heavenly courts, now it’s time for the battlefield. My child, this is no ordinary little fight trust Me because I know and see the hearts of man and therefore I am revealing the secrets to you. Only your obedience will bring about your victory in your nation. The eyes of the nations around you are standing in anticipation to see South Africa fall. But I tell you this very day, its those people who will see My Mighty Hand at work in South Africa. Just because of the evil works of the rulers of your nation, I will not see the righteous forsaken. I the Lord speak this word because of your faithful obedience and love towards me. I have seen your tears and now I am going to give you beautiful ashes. I am going to dry your tears of mourning and give you jubilant dancing. Don’t be foolish and think you can win this battle on your own.
For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are My ways your ways. Follow My instructions and dance in triumphant joy as you give praise to Me, for I share not My glory with no man! Many of you don’t LIKE the message that I send with My servants, and therefore you always lose your battle plans. Because you seek not my face and obey not My instructions. Therefore, be wise and see how I lead you into victory. Don’t be wise in your own eyes. Now is not the time for ‘bless me and prosperity’ messages. It’s the time of seriousness in your nation. The cries of My children came up into My nostrils like a sweet smelling savor when they cried and asked ‘Lord please choose for us a ruler’ for our nation South Africa. Now you have prayed in My will. My will shall be done and you the people of SA need to partner with Me now.
I told you I will give you the reason for your season, to get favor for people to join your political parties. You can’t all be presidents, but you MUST ALL work together. Not all of you are ready and equipped to lead My people.
Let Me tell you who my son is – which I chose to lead My nation South Africa. I have prepared the heart of My son for many years. I have equipped him, trained him, tested him and have found that he is after My own heart, just like My son David. A son that loves Me, a son that stands uncompromisingly faithful and hold fast to obey My Word. A son that speaks no right wrong, neither wrong right. His ‘yes’ is yes and his ‘no’ is no! He has the mind of Christ. This is My son who will lead you in the fear of the Lord as the president of the nation of South Africa. You know him as the Reverend Kenneth Meshoe or the leader of the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) Kenneth Meshoe. I release My son Kenneth Meshoe to lead you, and My Holy Spirit will guide him as his steps are ordered by Me only.
You ask why not me? Because I am hiding you from the enemy during this time, because you have been trained in your own position and thus you will have to play your part. I have prepared a message for My son with instructions. My servant will make sure to pass the message upon his response.
Now I need every one of your Christian political parties to come TOGETHER AND JOIN as one big army. It will be your duty as the leader or president as you are called into your frontline position in your party, speak to your people that each and every one need to vote for ACDP. You ask ‘what about your party’. Keep your party. It ain’t about your party now. It’s about the entire nation of South Africa and you are part of it. All of you are part of it. Make sure on the date of the election of South Africa, that you ALL vote for the one same party. Follow My instructions and you will be saved. Leaders of parties, don’t think you have a party that you will escape anything more than the rest of the people of South Africa. Work together. Unite together. I the Lord your God will bring them victory but you will perish because you chose not to stand united when you needed to. You are in the position which you are in for a time such as this. Go gather all your people and come together as one united army. Obey the instructions and stand together as ONE BIG ARMY. I have given my servant instructions to deliver to you. South Africa no longer will this be a nation for SOME people, but for ALL my people. Therefore, arise my people, arise! I call on my Mordecai’s to arise in this time! I call on my Esther’s to arise – for I have saved you for a time such as this. Step up with boldness. I have called you for a time such as this. I saved the Jews because they carefully obeyed my instructions. Go fearless My children and obey Me. As you faithfully obey My instructions, My eyes are going to and fro to the four corners of South Africa. I will be watching your actions. Only your obedience will save you.
I say to you if you do as you feel best, do not come crying to Me as I will not answer you. I speak to you to save you. I say to you My eyes is upon you, for I will watch for your sign. This will be a sign saying ‘I am part of God’s army.’ By this sign you will be covered and protected in a time such as this. Make sure this message reaches everyone in the nation.
Go now in obedience and prepare, for I your Lord and your God is the one who will prepare your table in the midst of your enemies. While you watch and pray, do not get fearful of the enemy. Rather stand strong and courageous with fire shut up in your bones. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, you have My word in you. Go and position yourself. Prepare for today I have set before you an open door. Walk in it. This is the time. A time such as this. Says the Lord.
SA – the Lord has spoken. I trust we will take and make the wisest decision of our lives. Are we ready to obey?
Prayer Points !
Please pray that:
1. Peace would be restored to the Republic of South Africa
2. We and the peoples of South Africa would repent for seeking our own glory, especially when we have continued in the sins of our ancestors.
3. Jesus would be glorified among every culture group in South Africa, and that they would spread His riches around the world as evangelists and disciple-makers.
4. Jesus would be seen as having abolished in His flesh all enmity between peoples, having become our peace, having broken down the middle wall of separation, creating in Himself one new man, from the two, thus making peace, reconciling all people to God in one body through the cross. (Ephesians 2: 14-16).
5. This Truth, that Jesus abolished all enmity, awaken and convict every soul in South Africa to repent, removing all division, bitterness, and hatred between white and black, and that discrimination will be totally abolished, through the Love of Christ Jesus, one for the other instead.
6. The Truths that He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth (Acts 17:26) and that we are all made in His image (Genesis 1: 26), add additional strength to abolish discrimination totally.
7. The spirit of self-gain and corruption will be destroyed from the head of the country down to the man in the street, through the Love of Jesus each one caring for his neighbor, and that the Republic of South Africa will become a country of spiritually mature people.
8. All forms of sexual perversion, child and sex trafficking, woman & child abuse, abortions, and the killing of all innocents will stop. That God will protect our women and children. That His Love will move mightily on the streets of each major city where people are living on the streets, and are dependent on drugs, that they will be delivered from drug abuse.
9. That Forgiveness, Repentance and Reconciliation will manifest between the different cultures, and that Bitterness and Hate will be removed from everyone’s hearts, and Idolatry will be broken down between the cultures, and that the Republic of South Africa shall love and Serve the Lord our God only.
10. That the National Day of Repentance in South Africa on May 20th ,2024 will open up so many hearts to call upon the Living God in sincere repentance that He will hear from heaven, forgive sin and heal His beloved South Africa, and that this God Solution from His Word (2 Chronicles 7:14) will be example to all nations today to do likewise.
11. The Elections will be Peaceful like in 1994, and that the nation will make the right Choice - Choosing God’s Will and Way to guide and Lead them. That all the Division will be removed, and the people will start to Unite as One Nation under the Authority of Jesus Alone !