Established in 1632
April 1, 2022
Godly Roots for Maryland
On the day the first settlers from Europe landed at St. Clement's Island, they planted a cross and declared that the colony would stand for the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The intent of the founding fathers and mothers in the colony of Maryland was to consecrate the colony, and now the State, to the Lord.
Maryland is the only State with Scripture on its State seal.
The banner that surrounds the shield is in Latin and quotes Psalm 5:12, "He surrounds us with favor as with a shield." At the base of the image, in a scroll, is the double Latin phrase, 'Fatti maschii parole feminine, " which can be translated, "strong deeds and gentle words" or "the strength of a man and the strength of a woman."
The Maryland seal has two sides. Officially, and on all documents involving funding, Maryland only uses the reverse side. Every other State uses the front side of its seal.
This use of the reverse side gave rise to a prophetic interpretation that Maryland is a state of reversal, and will reverse its unjust laws, "Reverse the Curse!"
On the seal are two Coats of Arms, the Calvert family and the Crossland family, the grandmother of Lord Baltimore.
There are two crowns pictured. The larger crown is that of the earthly king while the higher crown is the Eternal Heavenly King.
There are two banners or flags indicating that both kings are in residence.
Finally, there are two figures on either side of the plaque indicating a farmer and a fisherman, both signs of the harvest of souls. The fisherman also ties Maryland to the former colony of the Lords Baltimore, named Avalon, located in what is now Newfoundland.
The Maryland flag also shows the coats of arms of the two families, the Crosslands and the Calverts. It is the only State flag that still contains the English Barony heritage. It's also required by Maryland law, unlike any other State, that the pole on which the flag is displayed must be topped by a Gold Cross.
The original charter of Maryland was granted to George Calvert, Lord Baltimore of Ireland, because of "His Zeal for the Church."
Maryland was originally founded as a Roman Catholic colony, but went through several changes until the Maryland Toleration Act, also known as the Act Concerning Religion, was passed in 1649. At that point the colony was known as The Free State and it embodied religious tolerance for Trinitarian Christians.
During the Revolutionary War, on two occasions the Maryland Militias were able to cover the retreat of Washington's Army. Even with heavy casualties exceeding 50% of the militia, they held the line against the overwhelmingly larger British army, allowing the colonists to escape. Washington credited the Marylanders with holding the line against overwhelming odds, giving rise to Maryland being called, "The Old Line State."
This is portrayed in the graphic above. May believers in Maryland today now fight a spiritual battle not just to "hold the line" but to restore their Godly roots.
John Wesley's sermons reached Christians on the Eastern shore in Maryland, giving rise to the holiness movement of the Methodist Church. That holiness movement grew with many camp meetings, sweeping across the State, in the Second Great Awakening from 1790 to 1840.
Viewing the Maryland seal once more, note that everything on the seal is doubled: two flags or banners; two sayings; two signs of the harvest; double crowns; double coat of arms. In the Bible this doubling indicates "it will happen and soon" and also a "double anointing." In the Bible, first born sons were given a double portion that they may care for the family should the father die.
From this double anointing, many believers in Christ in Maryland now say that Maryland has received its double portion, to watch for and to have care for, the other States.
Maryland also gave up its territory for the District of Columbia to be created, and thus this principle of caring for other States, and reversing the curse, is a strong hope among Marylanders today for Godly repentance and revival for this nation .
Prophetic words have been spoken over Maryland today to "consider your ways" so that the Spirit of God will get stirred up ( as happened to Zerubbabel, Governor of Judah, Haggai 1:14). The fire of God will come back into the church in Maryland. It is time for the seed to prosper.
One brother's prophetic word was that Maryland is like a womb for the nation, literally looking like a womb, and at the center of the original colonies. God is going to "awaken the seed and open the womb."
"Sanctify yourselves; get set apart; get consecrated. If you will do that, I will work wonders in your midst."
Curses will be broken off the barren womb. With that stirring, with a supernatural intervention and a reversal anointing, the church would set the order for the State, instead of the world setting the agenda. As well, the church in Maryland, by setting a plumb line of His Word, would come out from under the judgment and condemnation of the system.
It was prophesied that "power is coming to Maryland. Wealth is coming to Maryland, so that the Lord may establish His Covenant which He swore to the founders of that colony."
One key prophetic word speaks today to believers in Maryland: "The Captain of the Hosts will stay in the midst of your State. For I would say, this is the state that has drawn the line in the past. And this is a State I say, that is drawing the line again. I would say to you there will be much shifting and conflict and much warfare and much division, but I say now, I have come, " saith the Lord. " And I would say this to you, what has not been opened up I will open," saith the Lord. " And what has been hostile will no longer be able to overtake the environment. I would say to you, in the midst of this State I have taken My stand and you will see in the midst of this State--- in 9 months, great conflict occurring, but My people will stand with Me and the future of this land will be determined."
With repentance, believers in Maryland will then cause the nation to make its turn, to realign with God.
The desire of many of the States will be re-directed towards God, given what they see going on in Maryland.
Established in 1632
After Calvert died in April 1632, the charter for "Maryland Colony" was granted to his son, Cecilius Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore, on June 20, 1632. The colony was named in honor of Queen Henrietta Maria, the wife of King Charles I.
Maryland, constituent state of the United States of America. One of the original 13 states, it lies at the centre of the Eastern Seaboard, amid the great commercial and population complex that stretches from Maine to Virginia. Its small size belies the great diversity of its landscapes and of the ways of life that they foster, from the low-lying and water-oriented Eastern Shore and Chesapeake Bay area, through the metropolitan hurly-burly of Baltimore, its largest city, to the forested Appalachian foothills and mountains of its western reaches.
Maryland was named in honour of Henrietta Maria, the wife of King Charles I, by a grateful Cecilius (Cecil) Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore, who was granted a charter for the land in 1632. Annapolis, the state capital, lies on Chesapeake Bay, roughly equidistant from Baltimore (north) and Washington, D.C. (west).
Geography has provided Maryland a role in U.S. history as a pivot between the North and the South. Its northern border with Pennsylvania is the famous Mason and Dixon Line, drawn in the 1760s to settle disputes between the Penn and Calvert families and traditionally regarded as the boundary between the North and the South. To the south much of the boundary with Virginia is formed by the Potomac River, a symbolic barrier during the American Civil War. On the north bank of the Potomac lies the District of Columbia (coterminous with the city of Washington, D.C.), a small enclave ceded by Maryland in 1791 for the site of the national capital. East of the Chesapeake, the Eastern Shore shares the Delmarva Peninsula with Delaware on the north and Virginia on the south. In the mountainous west is Maryland’s panhandle, which is joined to the rest of the state by a narrow waist and interlocks with the eastern panhandle of West Virginia. Area 12,406 square miles (32,131 square km). Population (2020) 6,177,224.
The Province of Maryland was an English and later British colony in North America that existed from 1632 until 1778, when it joined the other twelve of the Thirteen Colonies in rebellion against Great Britain and became the U.S. state of Maryland. Its first settlement and capital was St. Mary's City, in the southern end of St. Mary's County, which is a peninsula in the Chesapeake Bay and is also bordered by four tidal rivers.
The province began as a proprietary colony of the English Lord Baltimore, who wished to create a haven for English Catholics in the new world at the time of the European wars of religion. Although Maryland was an early pioneer of religious toleration in the English colonies, religious strife among Anglicans, Puritans, Catholics, and Quakers was common in the early years, and Puritan rebels briefly seized control of the province. In 1689, the year following the Glorious Revolution, John Coode led a rebellion that removed Lord Baltimore, a Catholic, from power in Maryland. Power in the colony was restored to the Baltimore family in 1715 when Charles Calvert, 5th Baron Baltimore, insisted in public that he was a Protestant.
Despite early competition with the colony of Virginia to its south, and the Dutch colony of New Netherland to its north, the Province of Maryland developed along very similar lines to Virginia. Its early settlements and population centers tended to cluster around the rivers and other waterways that empty into the Chesapeake Bay and, like Virginia, Maryland's economy quickly became centered on the cultivation of tobacco, for sale in Europe. The need for cheap labor, and later with the mixed farming economy that developed when tobacco prices collapsed, led to a rapid expansion of indentured servitude, penal transportation, and forcible immigration and enslavement of Africans. Maryland received a larger felon quota than any other province.
The Province of Maryland was an active participant in the events leading up to the American Revolution, and echoed events in New England by establishing committees of correspondence and hosting its own tea party similar to the one that took place in Boston. By 1776 the old order had been overthrown as Maryland citizens signed the Declaration of Independence, forcing the end of British colonial rule.
While there were no major battles fought in Maryland during the American Revolutionary War, the citizens of the colony distinguished themselves in their service. There were excellent gunsmiths in the area that supplied the Continental Army with weapons and the men that fought earned an excellent reputation.
They were an important piece in George Washington’s Continental Army and earned high praise from the Commander-in-chief.
Restoring Godly Roots in our 13 Colonies
Godly roots were planted in the original 13 colonies in the USA. A project to restore them using God's solution in the Bible begins in the first colony, Virginia, on February 1.
On February 1, 2022 a day of repentance will take place in Virginia. Individuals in Virginia, and throughout the USA, and in 47 nations, will take time, in prayer, fasting and humble repentance that day, confessing our personal and national sins, and acknowledging our firm dependence upon the Living God.
God gives His solution to heal a land in 2 Chronicles 7:14: " if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. "
Twelve additional days of repentance, focusing on each colony, will then take place on the first of each month, ending with the last established colony, Georgia, on February 1, 2023.
The next day of repentance will focus on Maryland on April 1, 2022.
Resources to hold a repentance service in a church or small group are available on the website: www.globalrepent.com
Building on a national and International Day of Repentance held on December 1, 2021 which focused on abortion, joined by 70 Christian ministries, the project seeks to continue this momentum for national repentance. According to Christian historians, This Godly solution to heal a land has been used over 800 times in our history; it's time to use it again.
A two hour zoom call will be held on April 1. Please email us at the email below for information. Members of Congress, and local politicians have been invited to participate. But in keeping with scripture, the main emphasis is on individual repentance, one on One, with Him that day.
Please note: As we continue our "march through the colonies," focusing on acts of repentance for each one throughout this year and into the next, we welcome your own thoughts and research for each one, identifying needs for repentance in each colony. Thank you for contacting us at the address below.
Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance
(707) 350-0659
Prayer Points
Pray that many will heed the move of the Holy Spirit to confess that:
We have not placed the Living God first in our lives
We have not fully protected the most vulnerable, including children in the womb
We have created idols, including pride in ourselves, our agendas, our families, our financial status
We have sanctioned sexual perversions, instead of seeing them in His eyes as sinful and capable of being removed by the Holy Spirit
We have failed to follow His destiny for citizens of our State to act as His city set on a hill, a light to the world.
Pray that having confessed these personal and collective sins, many will also repent so that He will hear from heaven, forgive sins and heal our land.
Pray that intercessors from many nations will join in this Day and in future Days of Repentance, repenting themselves, and then praying as the Holy Spirit directs
Cruelties and Killings that Muted / Blocked
The Godly Roots
From the viewpoint of the Native Americans the following eventually took place:
Innocent bloodshed upon the land
Stealing of land
Breaking of covenants with the tribes
Removing the ancient landmarks
Doing it all in the Name of God !
Political agendas to control, build and possess the wealth of the land while keeping it from others
Establishing free masonry in the government and economic systems
Sacrificing babies to the spirit of death
Establishing idols in the land and worshiping them
Allowing foreign gods, false religions into our land
Selfishness, humanism, individualism
Additionally, in the Massachusetts Colony, denominational divisions arose among Christians, the Salem witch trials took place, some of the zeal of the early colonists became muted by worldly pleasures and the lure of economic prosperity
One on One---a basic approach to repentance
Spend time alone with the Lord. He loves you. He created you. He knew you in your mother's womb and even at the beginning of His creation.
Thanks to the work of His Son, Jesus/ Yeshua, all the sins of mankind have been covered by Jesus' blood and His victory.
Now the invitation is to come into His Kingdom through repentance, changing your thinking, dying to your old ways, and believing in Jesus, the risen Christ, as the Lord of your life.
His Holy Spirit then will be in you, to give you a new life purpose and eternal life with Him.
Now that you're in His Kingdom, He calls each of us to cleanse, to purify, to get ready as His Bride for His soon return as our Bridegroom. There's no guilt; no condemnation; He loves you and wants all of us to be Overcomers of our old sin patterns, to be able to have the privilege " to sit beside Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down beside My Father on His throne." (Revelation 3:19-21).
Steps to repent, one on One:
Come in to the Kingdom through repentance---Matthew 4:17
Now that you're in the Kingdom, you have the Holy Spirit
Invite the Risen Christ to dine with you Revelation 3:20
Praise Him, honor the King of kings
Ask Him which old sin pattern He suggests you look at
Receive His Wisdom and consider confessing that sin
Confess the sin
Receive His forgiveness
Consider removing that sin pattern forever through your free will decision to repent, turning to Him instead
Replace that sin pattern with one of His Words as your new direction
Experience His Joy which will now never leave you as your new strength--and witness to others; you're bearing Holy Spirit fruit worthy of His gift of repentance!
*** A M E N ***

Below is the Recording of our Zoom Call today: April 1st, 2022…